
Death Battle - Decepticons Vs. Daleks

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Lucas Zaboot: "Well, we've looked at the variables, taken your comments, as well as your bets, into account and we're ready to get started."

Johnny Zealous: "It's Death Battle time ladies and gents, now let's get it on!"

- -

London, England - 2013

English citizens fled in terror as laser blasts fired past them, hitting the road, cars, building walls, and anything else that rested on the street. At the end of the street were three large robots bearing the insignia of the Decepticon faction, firing lasers on the humans.
"Ha! Ha! Ha! Look at the puny fleshings run!" The grey one called Megatron called out as he fired from his arm cannon on several cars.
"Humans are so weak! They have nothing that can stop us!" the red and blue transformer called Starscream yelled out as the blue Deceptiton, Soundwave, unleashed sonic waves down another street, causing the windows to shatter.
"The energy from the power station has boosted our weapons to their maximum potential! The Autobots won't stand a chance!" Megatron called out as he stepped on a lone human running past.
"Lord Megatron, I am picking up a foreign energy signal coming our way." Soundwave reported dutifully.
"It's the Autobots! Your destruction has gotten their attention! A true leader would not have been so wasteful with our firepower." Starscream criticized aloud before Megatron hushed him.
"Negative, the signal is not of Autobot origin." Soundwave clarified.
"Your signal tracers are malfunctioning Soundwave, I see nothing!" Starscream criticized again before Soundwave pointed up into the air where the three saw flying through the clouds, a huge spaceship resembling a UFO floating over the city.
"By the all-spark…what is that?" Megatron questioned, staring at the huge ship.
"Ship specifications unknown. Species unrecognized." Soundwave answered in his usual mechanical dialect.
"Well whatever it is, it won't be a problem for long!" Starscream called out as he aimed and fired his trademark Null Ray, hitting the ship above him as it began to tilt in the sky, turning as it made a crashing landing, not before crashing through Big Ben clock tower until it finally collided with the ground.
"Starscream! You trigger-happy dolt!" Megatron yelled at his subordinate, smacking his gun arm. "They could have been our allies! We could have made an alliance with them to destroy this planet!"
"Er- I'm sorry Lord Megatron! I only did what I thought was reasonable!" Starscream pathetically apologized to Megatron.
"We shall go to the wreckage and salvage what we can! If there are survivors, it's their mercy you shall have to fear Starscream, not mine…" Megatron commanded as the three Decepticons made their way to the crash site of the ship.

- -

As the Decepticons neared the crash site, the destruction around them revealed just how devastating the crash was, the entire street was torn down to rubble from the crash, fires were burning the insides as people scrambled or limped away.
The Decepticons could care less, they were more interested in what caused all this. The three giant robots pushed aside some downed construction equipment with ease as they looked upon the down spaceship, one half of it embedded into the ground, the other, sticking up into the air, scratches and burns could be seen on the outer body as well as the spot underneath where Starscream had struck it.
"Well, nobody could have survived that." Starscream said aloud before, to prove him wrong, a hatch opened as several silhouettes were seen. The Decepticons backed away as out of this hatch came four metallic beings, rolling out until they hovered off the hatch and onto the ground below them. The four resembled large salt shakers, with a white-colored casing one with a large gun built into it's head, the others had eyestalks, two were chrome colored, the other was black.
These were Daleks, the feared conquerors of the galaxy. But only to those who knew of them.
For three Decepticons, they had never heard the stories of these conquerors.

"The ship has lost power! We have crash landed on an alien world!" One of the chrome Daleks called out, lights flashing on it's head.
"Power loss was not accidental! High probability of outside force!" The other chrome Dalek called out in a low gravely tone.
"Alert! Life forms detected in the area!" The black Dalek called out as the Daleks turned to the Decepticons, their gunsticks pointed towards them menacingly.
"Hold your weapons comrades! We do not wish to fight!" Megatron said with charisma, but the Daleks paid no attention to it.
"Identify yourself!" The black Dalek called out.
"I am Megatron, Leader of the Decepticons."
"Name 'Decepticon' does not register with the Daleks!" The Dalek with the large gun mounted on it's head yelled.
"What?! You've never heard of the mighty Decepticons?! How dare you insult us?!" Starscream interjected.
"Silence Starscream!" Megatron barked at his subordinate before returning his attention to the Daleks. "Then we are at an impasse, we have never heard of the 'Daleks' before either. Perhaps we could join forces and learn more about each other-"
"You propose an alliance? Request denied! Daleks are the superior beings in the galaxy!" the Black Dalek called out.
"Superior beings?! I'll show YOU who's more superior!!" Starscream impatiently yelled out as he fired his Null-Ray again, this time, hitting the Dalek with the large gun on it's head, causing it to shut down.
"Starscream! You blasted idiot!" Megatron yelled at Starscream as the Daleks turned their eyestalks to the Dalek that was hit by the Null-Ray.
"Energy signature identified!" The chrome Dalek called out as they all turned their eyestalks to the Decepticons.
"Energy nullification blast is similar to the Daleks engine failure!" The low voiced Chrome Dalek stated, the pieces falling into place.
"You fired upon us! You are an enemy of the Daleks! You must be destroyed!" The black Dalek yelled out as the Decepticons readied themselves.
"You and your stupid big mouth Starscream." Megatron growled at Starscream.
"EXTERMINATE!!!" the three Daleks yelled out as they aimed their gunsticks.


Starscream fired first, as did Megatron from his arm cannon. The lasers hit what seemed like an invisible field in mid-air, hitting the downed Dalek, causing it to combust. The Daleks fired their deadly gunsticks, only to have the Decepticon dodge the shot before the shot made contact. Yet no matter how many lasers the Decepticons fired, it would seem the lasers would only bounce off or just disappear in mid-air near the Daleks.
"What is this trickery?!" Starscream yelled out as the Chrome Dalek fired it's gunstick, Starscream moved out of the way but the blast hit his arm, causing Starscream to cry out. "AGH! My arm! They shot my arm!"
"Separate! Both of you! We'll regroup away from here!" Megatron called out as he transformed into his gun form, just barely missing another gunstick blast just in time, and falling into the hands of Soundwave, firing off several blasts as Soundwave ran towards the Dalek ship and made his way down the street, dodging Dalek death blasts along the way. All the while, Starscream transformed himself into a jet just as two blasts were fired towards him, flying off before they made contact. The Daleks turned their eyestalks to watch as Starscream flew away.
"We must not allow these assailants to escape!" The low toned chrome Dalek called aloud.
"We must separate and locate them!" The Black Dalek said in it's usual mechanical pitch as it turned to the other chrome-colored Dalek. "You will pursue the aggressor with the nullification weapon and eliminate him!"
"I obey!" This Dalek said as it slowly began to levitate in the air and slowly went in Starscream's direction. The Black Dalek turned it's self around and faced the other Dalek.
"You will assist in pursuing the other hostiles!" The black Dalek ordered.
"I obey!" The low-toned chrome Dalek responded as the two Daleks rolled towards the direction of Megatron and Soundwave.

- -

Starscream flew about in the air, this was humiliating to flee, but there was no logical answer to how these robotic creatures could resist their laser blasts. He could have used his null ray again, but he had to wait a few minutes before he could generate energy for his weapon to try it again with the damage that was done to his arm, it would be a considerable while before he could try again. He flew around looking for a safe place to fix his null ray when a blast came from behind, Starscream made a sharp turn and saw one of the Daleks was floating in the air flying after him. Starscream's first incentive was to run, but he noticed the Dalek was slowly trying to turn itself around to shoot Starscream.
Pride running through his circuits, Starscream turned himself around and unleashed his missiles on the Dalek, doing an occasional barrel roll when the gunstick would fire. Yet, despite how much firepower Starscream fired, it seemed that every missile would explode before hitting the Dalek. Eventually, this became so frustrating that Starscream decided it was time to finish this salt shaker once and for all. He turned himself around and unleashed his cluster bombs upon the floating Dalek. This created a huge explosion of smoke and fire that clouded the Dalek from sight as Starscream flew through.

Suddenly, without warning, immense pain ran through Starscream as he felt an blast of intense energy hit his back, forcing Starscream to crash through the Tower Bridge as he tried to veer his decent away from the water, forcing Starscream to crash through the Millennium Bridge, the impact spun Starscream out of control as he landed with a resounding crashing inside the Shakespeare Globe. Wood crumbling as Starscream forced himself to transform back to his transformer form, he laid on the broken old stage as he looked out through the hole he made and, to his horror, the Dalek he had fired everything at floated through the hole and landed softly on the opposite end of the stage.
"No! No! Stay away! Stay away!" Starscream yelled aloud as he forced what energy he could muster into his null-ray and fired it, only for the blast to be absorbed by the shield.
"We have adapted ourselves to your energy nullification weapon! Prepare to be destroyed!" the Dalek called out as it moved itself closer to the wounded Starscream, whose injuries were now so bad, he had no energy for his lasers.
"Wait! Wait! Please wait! Have mercy! I did not know about the power of the Daleks! Spare me!" Starscream pleaded, the Dalek only kept coming towards him as Starscream tried to back away.
"You will know the power of the Dalek Empire momentarily!" The Dalek yelled aloud as it pointed it's gunstick to Starscream.
"Please! Don't do this! Let me live and I'll swear my eternal allegiance to the Dalek Empire!" Starscream continued to beg as he backed away into the edge of the stage.
"Request denied! You are an impurity that must be exterminated!" The Dalek continued to speak, it wasn't buying Starscream's pleas for mercy, it neared itself closer to Starscream as his mind raced to save his steel hide.
"I- I can help you! I know all the weaknesses of my companions! I know everything about them! I'm still of great use to you!!" Starscream yelled out as he felt the gunstick pointed to his head. At that moment, the Dalek stopped and waited there for a moment before it moved back a few inches.
"Yes, you can be of some use." The Dalek stated as it's plunger-like arm extended itself and planted it's suction on Starscream's head. Starscream tried to bat it away but the instant it touched his head, Starscream felt all sorts of unimaginable pain overloading his circuits, specifically that in his head.
"ARGH!!! WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Starscream yelled aloud.
"Downloading specifications!" The Dalek said aloud. Starscream tried to fight back but he felt his energy draining, his brain being depleted of information and knowledge. From his past, to his knowledge of flint patterns, his many plans to usurp power from Megatron to even Starscream's basic functions, Starscream felt himself losing control of his body. He couldn't even move his finger anymore as the Dalek continued to download everything that was in Starscream's head. At this point, Starscream forgot his own name as all he could think and focus on was the pain.

After a minute, the Dalek pulled it's arm off of Starscream as the look of horror was forever frozen on Starscream's face. He wasn't dead, at least, not exactly. The Dalek had found that out from it's download of Starscream. Instead, the Dalek had robbed Starscream of all his basic functions, his memories and even his mind, leaving only an empty shell with enough energy to keep his All-Spark from escaping and possessing another.
Oh yes, the Dalek figured all that out from downloading Starscream's mind. Not like he had much energy left anyway from all the damage he sustained.
"Download completed! Schematics on Decepticon acquired! Sending to other Daleks!" The Dalek chriped to itself as it sent out the schematics to it's fellow Daleks.

- -

Lucas Zaboot: "Ha! Called it! Starscream died first! Whoever had a bet against that, pay up!"

- -

Megatron and Soundwave were running down Horseferry Road with a Dalek in pursuit, Megatron firing his arm cannon at the black Dalek chasing them, only for the laser disappear upon making impact, leaving no proof of impact. the Dalek was about to fire again before it stopped in place.
"Receiving message! File Name: Decepticon Schematics!" The Black Dalek said aloud as Megatron looked at the Dalek confused.
"Decepticon schematics?" Megatron questioned as he cautiously readied himself for what would happen, Soundwave appearing behind him.
"Schematics download completed! Scanning Decepticon adversary!" The Dalek called out as it turned it's eyestalk and scanned Megatron, who fired again, though a rather futile effort now. "Weak points detected! EXTERMINATE!!" The Dalek yelled out as it fired it's gunstick towards Megatron's chest, striking him. The blast struck Megatron, he fell to his knees and clutched his chest.
"Lord Megatron!" Soundwave yelled out as he ran up towards his leader. The Dalek prepared to fire again until Soundwave pushed a button, emitting sonic waves towards the Dalek.
"My vision is impaired! I cannot see!" The Dalek yelled out, trying to recompose itself, it's vision shaking from the sonic waves. Of course, had this been an older Dalek, it would have broken down, but this Dalek was upgraded to resist sonic waves from breaking it. This, however, did not prevent it from being affected by the sonic waves and Soundwave couldn't keep it up forever.

Soundwave picked up Megatron and placed his arm around him. Soundwave turned off the sonic waves and pushed another button.
"Rumble, transform and protect us." Soundwave ordered, firing out a cassette tape that transformed into a short Decepticon. Soundwave took the wounded Megatron away as Rumble transformed his arms into large hammers, slamming down on the ground, opening up the earth as the disoriented Dalek fell inside the large crack. Rumble ceased his slamming as he looked over the large crack made in the London street.
"Heh, you're not so tough!" Rumble bragged before he was taken back by surprise to see the Dalek float out of the hole, not even a scratch or a dent from the fall.
"EXTERMINATE!!" The floating Dalek yelled aloud as it fired a blast from it's gunstick, hitting Rumble before he had time to dodge, causing his lower torso to combust as his upper half flew over the top of the building, smashing against a chimney. The black Dalek floated to where the ground was stable as it landed softly. The Chrome Dalek following arrived behind, floating over the hole in the ground without a worry or care that it was there.
"Continue pursuit! I will flank" The black Dalek called aloud to the low-voiced chrome Dalek.
"I obey!" the low-toned Dalek said as it made it's way in the direction of Soundwave and Megatron.

- -

Soundwave had managed to take Megatron down to the Royal Horticultural Society building, hiding in the abandoned schoolyard connected with the Burdett Coutts and Townshend Foundation Church of England Primary School as he inspected Megatron's chest wound.
"You are lucky, my lord. An inch lower and they would have hit your drive board and killed you." Soundwave said as he tried the best he could to repair the damage to Megatron.
"Ngh…I cannot transform…not like it would do me any good anyway…they're invulnerable to any of our attacks…" Megatron said, trying to regain what lost energy from the attack.
"Not all of them. I detected momentary disorientation from my sonic waves on the enemy." Soundwave stated, attaching wires together.
"They must have a weakness…send out Laserbeak and Ravage, have them find one, it's our only chance." Megatron said.
"Yes my lord." Soundwave stood up as he pushed a button on his shoulder. "Laserbeak, Ravage, transform. Commence Operation: Achilles Heel." Two cassette tapes popped out and transformed into the high-flying Laserbeak and the sly yet fast Ravage. The two went off to locate the Daleks and exploit a weakness if possible.

- -

Laserbeak flew high over the city, scanning the area for the enemy. Eventually, it drew it's sights on a Chrome Dalek slowly rolling over the Lambeth Bridge, moving around several cars left on the bridge or destroyed from the Decepticons earlier. Laserbeak relayed this to Ravage as Laserbeak swooped in, firing it's lasers at the Dalek. Not surprisingly, the lasers made little difference than before. The Dalek stopped and turned it's eyestalk up and focused on Laserbeak who flew around. The Dalek turned it's body so as to get a proper shot in on Laserbeak, but Laserbeak only continue to fly around the Dalek, occasionally firing off another shot here and there. It was here Laserbeak took note that, while the Dalek's head could spin around, it had to turn it's body around with the gun attachment in order to face the enemy. Laserbak relayed this to Ravage, who hid behind an abandoned car, watching over the proceedings, waiting for his opening.

Laserbeak started to take risks as he began to dive bomb the Dalek when he flew to it's back, firing a laser anywhere to find some weak point, flying away or dodging the energy blast from the Dalek. Eventually, during one of Laserbeak's daring dive-bombs, he fired a laser towards the head, where he saw the laser hit the head and leave a mark. Laserbeak found it's weak spot, but, before he could relay this to Ravage, a Dalek energy blast shot out and struck Laserbeak's right wing, practically singing the entire thing off. Laserbeak lost control of his flight pattern and began to fall from the sky. He tried to make his decent smooth, but he couldn't control himself as he managed to glide on the air, heading southwest, careering himself towards the Tate Britain art gallery, crashing through the window and into the art gallery, combusting into flames and smoke, the fire spreading through the gallery as priceless artwork began to turn black.

Thankfully, Laserbeak's sacrifice wasn't in vain, Ravage noticed the mark left on the Dalek, he ran out and attacked the Dalek, he bit his teeth down on the eye stalk, his claws scratched the casing as the Dalek as it's head tried to shake Ravage off.
"I am under attack! Release me at once!" The Dalek yelled out as Ravage continued to claw at the Dalek's body, leaving scratches on it's body. Then, a gunstick blast fired out and struck Ravage's back leg, forcing Ravage off. Ravage looked up and saw a Black Dalek rolling up, gunstick aimed at him.
"Decepticon recognized! Exterminat-" The black Dalek called aloud before Ravage leapt past it and ran off, limping from his missing leg, but keeping a steady speed, dodging the blasts from the gunsticks as he ran back across the bridge, making his way back to Soundwave with information.
"The Decepticon is escaping!" the Chrome Dalek called out.
"Not for long!" The black Dalek said as it rolled after Ravage with the scratched-up chrome Dalek in tow.

- -

Ravage limped several blocks down Horseferry Road and taking a few turns down some alleyways in the hope to lead the slow-moving Dalek pursuers away. He eventually made a turn down Greycoat Lane and ran to where Soundwave and Megatron hid. Just as Ravage prepared to transform and relay what he saw, an energy blast struck Ravage right in his chest, killing him on impact as Soundwave, horrified to have seen his pet killed in front of him, turned and saw the other chrome Dalek turning the corner and entering the courtyard.
"Flee Lord Megatron! The Decepticons are nothing without you! I will deal with this!" Soundwave called out as he activated his sonic waves and blasted the Dalek full blast. Megatron was ready to say "I would never flee" but seeing Ravage killed with one shot, he took Soundwave's advice and fled down the courtyard, stopping once he neared the corner to turn onto Rochester Street to see Soundwave firing all his lasers and sonic waves on the Chrome Dalek.

The Dalek, despite the disorientation it was feeling, focused it's gunstick to where the source was coming from and took the shot. It made a direct hit as it struck directly in Soundwave's sonic emitters, damaging them and greatly wounding him, but not enough to kill him. The sonic waves disoriented the Dalek's gunstick level, but once the Dalek regained it's composure, it would not make the same mistake again. Soundwave, for what must have been a first for him, felt pain searing through his body as he forced himself back on his feet. His best weapon was gone, his pets were dead and none of his lasers would do him any good.
He was desperate and you know what they say: desperate times call for desperate measures.
Soundwave boldly forced himself towards the Dalek as he rammed his fist into the Dalek's head. The Dalek turned it's gunstick towards Soundwave, but Soundwave grabbed it, pointing it away from him as the Dalek fired into the Royal Horticultural Halls and Conference Center building.
"Release me at once insignificant Decepticon!" the chrome Dalek yelled out in it's low tone.
"No. You killed my pets, you will perish!" Soundwave called out as he mustered his strength and tore the gunstick off the Dalek and tossed it aside, the manipulator arm moved and stuck itself onto Soundwave's leg, Soundwave, however, noticed this as he snapped the manipulator arm in half, forcing his hands onto the body, forcibly tearing open the chest as he stopped and saw a mutated one-eyed creature recoil format eh light that shone at it.
"You will all die…" the Dalek said as Soundwave looked over this thing.
"Negative. I will scan you for weaknesses and my lord and I will destroy you and your companions." Soundwave said coldly as he prepared to scan the Dalek.
"No! You will not!" The Dalek said as, without warning, the chest casing closed on Soundwave's hands, trapping his fingers in the chest case. While Soundwave attempted to pull himself free, Dalek lifted itself into the air, facing itself with Soundwave as the bumps on the Dalek's body casing came off, moving around Sounwave as it formed a sphere. Soundwave looked back to Megatron who looked on. Before Soundwave could say anymore, a bright light shone out and combusted the Dalek and Soundwave;s upper torso, leaving Soundwave's legs behind as they fell back masterless.
Soundwave was gone but so was the Dalek.

It was 2-1, with the Daleks' favor.

Megatron was shocked to have seen this happen to his most faithful and loyal of soldiers. But he turned and ran down Rochester Street, giving up in trying to defeat this new adversary and now searching for an escape.

- -

Admittedly, Megatron had no idea where he was going. Without Soundwave to give him directions, he was completely lost. He was low on energy and couldn't risk flying, for fear of being detected. Eventually, Megatron found himself going down Victoria Street, stopping between the Victoria Palace Theater and a tunnel for the Underground Subway. Just as he was trying to figure out his direction, a loud familiar voice rang out.
"Decepticon located!" A Chrome Dalek floated down, blocking his way. Megatron tried to turn back and run until he stopped and realized the black Dalek was rolling up behind him.
"EXTERMINATE!!" the Black Dalek yelled out. Megatron looked left and right, his mind racing. Out of options, Megatron let into the air and flew North, two Dalek gunstick rang out at that moment. From the black Dalek, the gunstick fired and shot Megatron's leg, disrupting Megatron's flight, causing Megatron to collide with the roof of the Victoria Palace Theater, the structure on top crumbled from the crash as debris fell onto the streets below.
From the Chrome Dalek, the blast aimed where Megatron was standing, firing off too late before it realized Megatron had leapt. This blast hit the black Dalek across from it, causing the black Dalek to explode from the high-energy blast. If "oops" was in the Dalek Vocabulary, it would have used it by now. The Chrome Dalek looked over it's mistake as it turned it's eyestalk to see Megatron blimp out of the wreckage and limp away.
"Continuing previous order! Locate and eliminate the Decepticon!" The chrome Dalek called out as it made it's way back up into the air and slowly pursued Megatron.

- -

Megatron leapt down from the building, sending pain from his leg as he found the blast damn well nearly took his leg off. It was a miracle his leg was even holding together. Megatron limped away, going down alleyways as he looked back and, to his horror, the chrome Dalek floated over the building and pursued Megatron. Megatron hurried his pace as he came across the side gate entrance to the evacuated Buckingham Palace. Megatron ran up tot he gates, mustered his strength to rip off the gates and nearly went in until a voice grabbed his attention.
"L-Lord Megatron…" Megatron turned and saw, to his surpass, the upper torso of Rumble, still alive, dragging himself by his arms. Megatron looked back and saw the Dalek touching down on the ground. Megatron quickly picked up Rumble and ran through the gates, just as another gunstick blast hit the wall where he was standing barely a second ago. Megatron carried Rumble through the gates until he came across a large and expanse courtyard. He knew running across that would be useless. He looked around and his mind, in desperation, told him to climb up the wall. Despite the damaged leg, Megatron climbed up the walls of Buckingham Palace to the rooftop as he laid on the roof, praying to the All-Spark that the roof would hold his weight as he watched the Dalek roll through the gate and look around.
"Scanning area for the insignificant Decepticon!" The chrome Dalek looked around. Megatron's eye caught something about this Dalek, it had scratches on it. Not just scratches from debris, but scratches in a familiar pattern, like three close together, as though it were made from a claw.

Then, just like like a punch to the face, it finally hit Megatron.
This scratch was what Ravage had rushed back to tell them.
That was the weakness.
But it required getting up close and just running down there with it's functioning gun would be suicide, but…Megatron looked down at the barely functioning body of Rumble as a plan formed in his mind.
"Rumble…you have served me most faithfully…but now, it is time you serve your purpose to your master."
"Lord Megatron…please don't…" Rumble began to beg silently.
"You will be remembered in Decepticon archives for all time…" Megatron said as he gripped Rumble in his hand.
"Lord Megaton…no!" Rumble protested, but it fell on deaf ears as Megatron flung Rumble out to the courtyard, his scream could be heard across the city. The chrome Dalek below turned it's gaze and it's body towards Rumble.
"EXTERMINATE!" It cried out as it fired a blast at Rumble, killing him completely. At that same moment, Megatron leapt off the building, giving out a battle cry as he formed his hand into an energized ball and chain mace. The Dalek turned it's head and eyestalk only in time to receive the full blunt force to it's head, the eyestalk broken off immediately.
"My vision has been impaired! I cannot see!" The dalek yelled out, trying to turn itself around as Megatron mercilessly slammed his mace on the Dalek's head constantly, never letting up for an instant.
"DIE YOU ONE-EYED RUSTED SCRAP METAL! DIE!" Megatron roared as he continued to slam his energy mace on the Dalek, even as it turned, Megatron slammed his Mace to it's side so hard, it would skid. The Dalek was helpless before Megatron, but the Dalek refused to surrender.
"YOU- WILL- BE- EX- TER- MI- NATED!" The Dalek withstood and fired off a gun blast to the side of Megatron's torso. Had that been any closer to his central computing, he'd be a goner, but the Dalek was blind now. Megatron slammed his mace on the gunstick as he continued his vicious assault on the Dalek who only continued to shout in it's electronic tone.
"EXTERMNATE! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINAAAAAAAAATE!" Megatron slammed his mace down furiously on it's head, hoping to shut it up. After such a vicious beating, the voice box seemed to be dying down. "EX-ter-minate! Exterminate! Ex…ter…mi…nate…" The Dalek's voice component slowed down until it finally stopped movie, yet Megatron kept slamming down.

Megatron eventually slowed down his hammering until he realized he was slamming on scrap metal. Megatron stopped for the moment, but he wasn't convinced of his victory. He retracted his mace back into his arm as he formed a hand as he forced the Dalek's crushed head off the body as he reached in and tore out what he saw was inside. A one-eyed disgusting organic creature. Just as Megatron had suspected, it wasn't dead. It stirred in his hand, but could do nothing more. It opened it's eye slowly as it looked up at Megatron.
Megatron recognized the look in it's eye for he knew it well.
It was the look of hate.
Pure, unbridled hate.
Megatron squeezed this creature in his hand until he heard a sickening crunch and the eye rolled back. Megatron then dropped the dead creature to the ground, staring at it for a moment, savoring his victory over this enemy.
"Exterminated…" Megatron said coldly. With that, he kicked the Dalek's body over as he limped his way across Buckingham Palace's courtyard, making his way to where he hoped the other Decepticons had regrouped.
Behind him, a tattered Union Flag waved in the wind. Traditionally, this was meant to indicate the Queen was present in the palace, but in the hurry to evacuate, nobody took it down.
it waved slightly in the wind, as if to recognize a new ruler of this land.

Hail Britannia; governed by the Decepticons.


- -

Lucas Zaboot: "Ohhhhhh boy, we are NEVER gonna hear the end of this one from all the Doctor Who fans…"

Johnny Zealous: "The Daleks definitely put up one hell of a fight. Their force fields and adaptability to their environment ensured that nothing stood in their way. Every projectile the Decepticons threw at them failed, with the exception of the Null-Ray, but by that time, the Daleks had already figured out a way to adjust their force fields to withstand it. Their polycarbide casing also gave them an advantage as it was strong enough to hold off Laserbeak's laser blast and Ravage's claws from doing the Daleks any serious damage, making short work of Soundwave's pets with ease."

Lucas Zaboot: "Their lack of emotion played an enormous part in this battle, especially when Starscream tried to win the Daleks over with his silver tongue by playing weak and helpless. With the emotion of sympathy and pity purged from their systems, Starscream was only useful for one thing: being a tool to help the Daleks exploit the Decepticons' weaknesses."

Johnny Zealous: "And yet, the Decepticons won. How?"

Lucas Zaboot: "You do have to consider this; Daleks are estimated to be between 5'-6'6" in height while a Decepticon typically ranges from 30-40 feet in height. Yes, Decepticons are bigger and you would think that would make them a bigger target, but the Decepticons have the speed advantage, allowing them to evade blasts that would otherwise prove fatal."

Johnny Zealous: "Naturally, in any fight to the death situation, when your long-range projectiles fail you, you're forced to use your fists and considering the lack of movement the Manipulator Arm has, it's incredibly useless for melee against someone who can use their fists to swing blows and can side step around you when you can to turn yourself around."

Lucas Zaboot: "But Lucas and Johnny!' you all cry out, 'People have hit Daleks in the past with blunt weapons and barely left a mark on them.' Well, maybe you should consider that we humans are weaklings."

Johnny Zealous: "To try and calculate how strong a Decepticon is, we used one moment in the first episode where Megatron picked up a drill pipe and tossed it with ease at drill workers. Doing some calculations, we can predict that pipe had to be about 35 feet in length with, judging from the size of an average human, was probably more than the average drill pipe that can be sold for mass consumers, that being 6 inch thickness, we can calculate a Decepticon is strong enough to easily carry 2,520 pounds or more, that's about 1.26 tons, that is the equivalent of being able to lift 6 baby elephants."

Lucas Zaboot: "For humans, to receive serious injuries from a car, the car has to go 30 to 40 miles per hour to do serious harm. Now in car crashes, it's calculated that the amount of force a person receives when driving at 30 miles per hour and crashes into a tree, is calculated at 2.4 tons of force when your head slams onto the windshield."

Johnny Zealous: "Now consider that the amount of force a professional boxer delivers is at least 1,260 lbs of force from impact, which is around 0.63 tons of force. Since we have no clear definable measurement of the strength of a Decepticon, we can assume that their punch is much harder than that."

Lucas Zaboot: "With a punch like that, it's no wonder the Dalek armor couldn't hold out."

Johnny Zealous: "Also to consider how many times people have been able to stand around Daleks. This tells us their force fields can not protect against melee attacks, which nobody tries in the show because, well, you'd have to have a lot of strength and guts to come in and land a wild haymaker on a Dalek when their guns can kill you with one hit to the chest. But remember, human bodies and Decepticon bodies work differently, would could kill a human easily, will leave a serious mark depending on the point of impact."

Lucas Zaboot: "Even if we had chosen any number of different Decepticons for this fight, the Decepticons' speed, strength and their ability to strategize individually without a leader barking orders led them to victory. The Daleks, were exterminated.'

Johnny Zealous: "The winner are the Decepticons."

- -

+Fast to dodge and move
+Strong enough to leave a dent in the Daleks' armor
+Could plan and strategize without needing a higher authority
+More weapon variety
-Projectile Weapons were largely ineffective
-Starscream's inability to take command exposed Decepticon weaknesses

+Force Fields withstood all projectile attacks
+Gunstick was the most powerful weapon in the fight
+Lack of emotion made Starscream's groveling useless
-Lacked imagination to create strategies individually without a leader
-Slow speed could not keep up with Decepticon reflexes
-Lacked weapon variety
-Manipulator Arm proved useless for melee combat comes all the "How could you let the Daleks lose?" messages and explaining why they should have won.

Let me frank on this: Yes, I know they have the Reality Bomb, but if I were to give the Daleks their universe-destorying weapon, I would have to employ the same courtesy to the Decepticons, which would have made a very short Death Battle.

Also, I fear I may have gone Michael Bay with this fight with having the Decepticons and Daleks crashing into famous English landmarks, but I guess that's part of the fun of it I suppose. Plus, to try and be as accurate as I could, I had GoogleMaps up so I could follow the street names and track the progress of the fight as it made it's way from Westminster Abbey all the way to Buckingham Palace.

And now, I go into hiding from the Doctor Who fans who will no doubt be enraged at me for this Death Battle decision.

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Cman1O1's avatar
What a shame...
Just wait for the Time war